Harry - The DevOps Guy
1 min readApr 1, 2020


mConnect — A Powerful SSH Session Manager

Getting Start What is mConnect ?

mConnect is small utility to manage ssh connection credentials. and allow you to connect any server smartly with mConnect.

How To install ?

Just download this repository and follow below steps.

sudo apt-get install -y sshpass
sudo git clone https://github.com/HarryTheDevOpsGuy/mConnect.git /opt/mconnect
sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /opt/mconnect
sudo chmod a+x /opt/mconnect/mConnect
sudo ln -s /opt/mconnect/mConnect /usr/local/bin/mconnect
mconnect -v

if you got mConnect version after executing mconnect -v command. it means you have install this perfectly.

How to add host in mConnect manager?

There is inventory/hosts or ~/inventory/hosts file in project repository. you need to add your host related details in inventory/hosts file.

#vim /opt/mconnect/inventory/hosts
## This is Variable file you can update this file accordingly.
declare -A HOSTS=(
# Development Env
# You can add comments like below
# ["ABC-TEST"]="ubuntu@"

Where do i store ssh private_keys or pem keys?

All Private keys should be stored in ~/inventory/keys directory. and key name should be updated in ~/inventory/hosts (without key path) file accordingly.

